Sunday, January 12, 2014

Motivation Doesn't Always Cut It

Name all of those models!

Alright, so I got the new blog going to motivate myself. Surely I can walk over to my desk and start knocking out new models like it's no big deal, right? Nope. My desk is a mess covered with the remnants of countless amounts of half started projects. It took me a few minutes to even find my glue! This brought me to a pretty sad conclusion. It doesn't just start with motivation.

Organization was the other key part of what I was missing from my hobbies. Having a clean work space is a huge factor in to actually being able to get any amount of work done on your projects. Looking at my desk made me realize I need to start somewhere. So, I began grabbing my miniatures one by one to either pack them up in my cases or put them on my different display shelves. A tedious under taking to say the least.

Step two of reaching hobby nirvana was finding a system to organize my massive amount of bitz that I've been amassing over the past two years since I got back into 40k. A cheap $10 drawer unit from Target did just the trick as I began clipping all of my bits from the sprues. Again, another very tedious task that took up far more time than I would have liked.

Now that I have everything as clean as I'm willing to make it where the hell do I begin? I probably have close to thirty kits that are unbuilt let alone unpainted. In my mind I always gravitate to building everything before bothering to put brush to model for the simple reason that there is nothing stopping me from playing with an unpainted miniature, but unbuilt ones are completely unusable. Let's get back into the groove of things by finishing a half built Noise Marine squad that I probably started working on six months ago now.

Currently Working On: Cleaning my work space and 10 x Noise Marines
Currently Listening to: Mafia by Fleshgod Apocalypse and Slaughter of the Soul  by At the Gates

Monday, September 30, 2013


Far too often it seems like I run into my first world problem of not allocating enough time to my time wasting hobbies. Sometimes its not even the issue of spending the time needed, but actually being motivated enough to dive into what I love most in life. I spend disgusting amounts of money on these things that I love with such a burning passion, but I don't ever find myself using my spare time to do anything with them.

The first of these hobbies is the miniature wargame Warhammer 40k. To break down what 40k is, it's a very intricate board game that is not only filled with loads of customization, but a very rich background. Everything with the game comes down to these little 28mm models that you have to assemble, paint and then play with. Assembling and painting these models are where I find my lack of motivation. Far too often do I find myself buying new models to expand on my armies long before I've even begun work on my last impulse buy.

Heavy metal music is my other hobby. Now, I'm in no way musically talented, but I love the culture that surrounds this ridiculous genre of music let alone the music itself. I often find myself spending anywhere from about two to eight hours a day listening to music. As you can imagine, metal of all sub-genres dominates my playlists. The issue? Well, I subscribe to two paid streaming services and still buy CDs on a regular basis and still find that I'm listening to the same ten albums. Countless discographies have been downloaded with only one or two songs listened to. 

One day I was irritated by my lack of motivation when it came to either of these passions of mine. That's what sparked the idea of Dark Gods and Death Metal. Post my progress of what I'm working on with my models and talk about what new album I'm listening to while I do it. It all comes down to motivation.

Currently Working On: Cleaning my workspace
Currently Listening To: Deceiver of the Gods by Amon Amarth